SR 0274 Water Main Replacement – Shutdown Area 10-24-2021
As a result of the on-going water main work on New Bloomfield Road and South Main Street, a water outage is necessary to connect the new main into the existing system. The Borough’s contractor will be performing the connection work overnight starting around 6:00 pm on Tuesday November 2 working overnight until all connections are made. It is anticipated that the water outage will last 16 to 20 hours, with water restored sometime on Wednesday November 3rd in the afternoon. Once water is restored, a boil water advisory will be in effect for at least 48 hours. Residents and businesses should plan ahead for the water outage. Bottled water will be available at the Borough Office. In the event weather impacts this schedule, you will be notified promptly. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience as we continue to improve your water system! The map of the affected shut-down is linked above.