ATTENTION BOROUGH WATER CUSTOMERS: Duncannon Borough’s water system is experiencing low water levels and is asking its residents to take measures to reduce water use. The Borough is actively searching for the cause of the low water levels, which we believe may be related to a potential leak in the system.
Over the course of several weeks, the Borough’s water system has experienced a gradual drop in the amount of water in our storage facilities. Therefore, water levels in the reservoir have reached alarmingly low levels which may have the potential to impact the Borough’s ability to provide water service to some or all of its customers in the coming days if the trend continues.
All Borough water customers are asked to take immediate and significant action to conserve water and stop any non-essential water usage including but not limited to the washing of vehicles, watering of lawns, and filling and topping off pools and hot tubs. Increased water conservation measures can extend the water supply until the situation is resolved. Thank you for your cooperation.