
JOAC March Meeting/Infrastucture March Meeting

The JOAC (Joint Operations Advisory Committee) and the Duncannon Borough Infrastructure committee will be meeting on 02/09/22 at the Duncannon Borough Office at 428 N. High Street. The JOAC will meet at 6:30, followed by the Infrastructure Committee meeting. the agenda's are posted below and both meetings are open to the public joacinfrastructure march

March 7th, 2022|Categories: News|

Finance, Administration, & IT March Meeting

The Duncannon Borough Finance, Administration, & IT Committee will hold it's regularly scheduled Meeting at 7:00PM on Tuesday, March1, 2022 at the Duncannon Borough Office (428 N. High St.) in Duncannon. This is a public meeting and residents are welcome to attend! The agenda is posted below. SKM_C36822022814390

February 28th, 2022|Categories: News|

Water Discoloration

Due to the use of the hydrants to fight the fire at Petersburg Commons your water may be cloudy or discolored. Run the COLD water until it runs clear. If you have any questions, call the Borough office at 717-834-4311

February 24th, 2022|Categories: News|

February Council Meeting Agenda

The Duncannon Borough Council will hold it's regularly scheduled Meeting at 7:00PM on Tuesday, February 15, 2022 at the Duncannon Borough Office (428 N. High St.) in Duncannon. This is a public meeting and residents are welcome to attend! The agenda is posted below.

February 14th, 2022|Categories: News|

Finance, Administration, & IT February Meeting

The Duncannon Borough Finance, Administration, & IT Committee will hold it's regularly scheduled Meeting at 7:00PM on Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at the Duncannon Borough Office (428 N. High St.) in Duncannon. This is a public meeting and residents are welcome to attend! The agenda is posted below.

January 31st, 2022|Categories: News|

January- Borough Council Meeting

The Duncannon Borough Council will hold it's regularly scheduled Meeting at 7:00PM on Tuesday, January 18, 2022 at the Duncannon Borough Office (428 N. High St.) in Duncannon. This is a public meeting and residents are welcome to attend! The agenda is posted below.

January 17th, 2022|Categories: News|


Duncannon Mayor John Cappawana has declared a Snow Emergency in the Borough, effective at 6:00PM, Sunday, January 16, 2022, remaining in effect until Tuesday, January 18, 2022 at 10:00AM. The decision was made to issue the declaration in advance of the anticipated snow in order to give Borough residents ample time to move their vehicles from designated Snow Emergency Routes. During a Snow Emergency, it is illegal to park on any designated Snow Emergency Routes. Violators will be towed at the owner’s expense. Tickets will also be issued, with fines of up to $50, plus costs. The Snow Emergency [...]

January 14th, 2022|Categories: News|
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