
Water System Improvements update – 8-28-20

This is an important update from Duncannon Borough concerning water system improvements. All Borough water customers are still operating under mandatory water conservation and boil water advisories. We will contact you when these advisories are lifted. The Cumberland Street water main installation with road closure will continue through next week. In addition, work will take place on the water valve near the Routes 11 & 15 overpass. There are no scheduled water outages, however there will be traffic control via flaggers. Please call the Borough Office at 717-834-4311 with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your continued cooperation.

August 28th, 2020|Categories: News|

Water Project update 8-25-20

This is an important update from the Duncannon Borough concerning water system improvements, On Wednesday, August 26th, work will be done at Market and Hickory Streets. While we anticipate water interruptions to be localized in the area of the valve, it is possible that a water outage could occur from Cherry Street, North to the Susquehanna River. Southbound Market Street will be closed and the High Street detour in effect. On Thursday, August 27th, the valve at the corner of Market Street and Route 849 is scheduled for replacement. While we anticipate water interruptions to be localized in the [...]

August 25th, 2020|Categories: News|

Cumberland Street closure and Valve Replacement update 8-23-20

This is an important message from Duncannon Borough. The Borough's contractor will start water main installation on Cumberland Street this week, working from Ann Street toward High Street. Cumberland Street will be closed to through traffic during daylight working hours only, beginning Monday, August 24th, through Thursday, August 27th. The street will be accessible for resident parking overnight, however, vehicles will need to be moved off of Cumberland Street by 7 A.M. each day due to the narrow width of the street and the potential for damage during construction. No water interruptions are anticipated. Also, southbound Market Street will [...]

August 23rd, 2020|Categories: News|

Second update on Water Valve Replacement 8-19-20

This is an important update from Duncannon Borough.  The planned water outage for Thursday, August 20 has been modified. The updated outage area for Thursday includes,  Ann Street from High Street to Cumberland Street, Church Street from Maple Street to Ann Street, and Fisher Street, Valley Street, Mountain Street, Morgan Street and South Main Street from Route 274 to Maguire’s Ford. Also, Cumberland Street from High Street to Ann Street will be closed to traffic. Other Borough water customers may experience low water pressure. All Borough water customers are still operating under mandatory water conservation and boil water advisories. Please [...]

August 19th, 2020|Categories: News|

Water Main Break – 8/19/20

Today, Wednesday, August 19th, a water main break occurred at South Main and Mountain Streets near Maguire's Ford while our contractor was excavating for a water valve replacement. All water system customers south of Ann Street are expected to be without water during daylight hours today until the water main can be repaired. Other customers in that general vicinity may also experience a water outage or low water pressure. All Borough water customers are still operating under mandatory water conservation and boil water advisories. Please call the Borough Office at 717-834-4311 with any questions or concerns. We apologize for this [...]

August 19th, 2020|Categories: News|

Duncannon Borough Council Meeting Information 8-18-2020

The August, 2020 Borough Council meeting will be held via Zoom.  The meeting Information is below.   You are invited to a Zoom meeting. When: Aug 18, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)   Register in advance for this meeting:   After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

August 18th, 2020|Categories: News|

8-13-20 Water Valve Replacement update

On Monday, August 17, a water outage is scheduled for all properties connected to the Borough water system on Market Street north of Cumberland Street and all properties from Chestnut Street, north to the Juniata River Bridge.

August 13th, 2020|Categories: News|

8-12-20 Water Valve Replacement update

The following is an update regarding traffic control in the Borough from the Contractor and the Engineers who are overseeing the Water Valve Replacement. Further information and any changes to this schedule will be shared as it becomes available.

August 12th, 2020|Categories: News|
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